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    How to find and remove hidden links from the joomla template?

    1. Method number 1. Page Source + Total Comander
    2. Method number 2. My favorite. Script find-link.php

    They downloaded a cool template on joomla, adapted it for themselves, and think that life was a success?

    Unfortunately, in our time, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. This expression refers to a free CMS like Joomla.

    Think about it yourself, why would someone just waste time developing a template that anyone can download absolutely free of charge?

    The catch is that such templates have hidden links that are very difficult to detect.

    Unfortunately, according to my observations, about 90% of the templates on joomla have these most hidden links, which very negatively affect the further promotion of the site. Their search is not an easy task. The difficulty lies in the fact that very often these links are encoded in base64.

    I will not write about all the ways to find them. I will designate only two most working.

    Method number 1. Page Source + Total Comander

    1. Open the page source code
    2. Find hidden links. They can be base64 encoded. They downloaded a cool template on joomla, adapted it for themselves, and think that life was a success
    3. Download the template files to the computer.
    4. Enter this code, put a tick "with the text" and look for

    Immediately I will say. This method is working, but very long.

    Method number 2. My favorite. Script find-link.php

    1. Download archive here - DOWNLOAD
    2. Upload the file find-link.php to the root of the site.
    3. Register in the address bar - mysite.ru/find-link.php
    4. As a result, you see all the links that are used on your site, even hidden

    The advantage of this method is that this script immediately shows the file where these hidden files are hidden, and you can delete them immediately.

    Think about it yourself, why would someone just waste time developing a template that anyone can download absolutely free of charge?


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